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Patent Reform Dead in DC not NC

Patent trolls are celebrating a victory as patent reform is dead in Congress, after being dropped from the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee (read more here). In North Carolina, on the other hand, this issue is receiving significant attention since the state General Assembly recently reconvened.

As you know, the abusive use of patent litigation has become an increasing concern for many small and large businesses, alike, that are targeted by patent trolls. With the patent troll problem spreading across the country, the NC Chamber wants to develop strong protection against abusive patent assertion claims to provide North Carolina a strong advantage in attracting new companies and protecting our current retailers, financial institutions, manufacturers, tech companies and other vital sectors of our economy. This issue is outlined in our 2014 JOBS Agenda and we are working to advance legislation to provide necessary protection against patent trolls. Here’s an update on where legislation stands in the General Assembly:

House Bill 1032: Patent Abuse Bill was introduced on the second day of the legislative session, found favorable in the House Commerce and Job Development Committee and the Judiciary B Committee. It is now expected to be considered by the full House of Representatives next week. In the Senate, this patent protection language has been adopted into Senate Bill 648: NC Commerce Protection, which I testified in support of in the Judiciary I Committee.

To learn more about the North Carolina Chamber’s efforts to advance patent protection reform, contact John Goodman at or 919-836-1402.

Gary J. Salamido
Vice President, Government Affairs
North Carolina Chamber