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NC Needs the Atlantic Coast Pipeline

As North Carolina continues growing, so too does the state’s energy needs. In order to power our competitive economy in the coming decades, North Carolina must have the necessary infrastructure in place to produce efficient, low-cost energy. Unfortunately, North Carolina’s lack of natural gas pipelines has proven to impede competitiveness as industries overlooked the state due to an inadequate supply of reliable natural gas. However, the Atlantic Coast Pipeline will provide that infrastructure, advancing an “all-of-the-above” energy strategy in North Carolina. A game-changer for the state’s economy, this 600-mile underground, interstate pipeline will enhance the reliable delivery of low-cost natural gas supplies to portions of eastern North Carolina. This will help avoid extreme energy price spikes and fill the void in North Carolina’s natural gas infrastructure, while serving as a major long-term economic driver in the state.

Not only will the Atlantic Coast Pipeline save consumers and businesses an estimated $377 million annually in lower energy costs, but over the next decade, the Atlantic Coast Pipeline project will become one of the state’s top job creators, supporting 17,240 jobs during construction and 2,200 in operations. The pipeline will also generate $680.2 million in economic activity and $28 million in local tax revenue for the communities along the route of the pipeline, which includes eight North Carolina counties. The economic benefits of the pipeline are undeniable. While the pipeline will help secure North Carolina’s future prosperity, it will also improve the state’s environment by fostering cleaner air, energy independence and greater energy reliability. In fact, the route designed for the pipeline is the result of years of comprehensive studies and surveys to avoid and minimize environmental impacts to sensitive areas.

While the Atlantic Coast Pipeline has provided more than 100,000 pages of reports and documentation covering every aspect of the project and the FERC and other agencies have carefully analyzed potential impacts to ensure the projects is protecting the environment, NCDEQ has announced public hearings on the pipeline’s water quality permits. Opposition to the pipeline is planning to use this hearing as an opportunity to stop the project. If you are able, would you please attend one of the following public hearings to show your support for the pipeline? This project is critical to North Carolina’s competitiveness and its contribution to our business community cannot be understated.

Hearing Details:

Tuesday, July 18
Fayetteville Technical Community College
Cumberland Hall Auditorium
2201 Hull Rd.
Fayetteville, N.C.

Thursday, July 20
Nash County Community College
Brown Auditorium
522 N. Old Carriage Rd.
Rocky Mount, N.C.

Speakers must sign up at 5 PM and will be given three minutes for comment. The hearings will be held from 6-9 PM. You may also submit written comments until August 19 at 5 PM. Those can be sent to 401 Permitting, 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh N.C. 27699-1617 or with “ACP” included in the subject line.

Gary J. Salamido
Vice President, Government Affairs
North Carolina Chamber